SPF is a business in 14 countries, Tanzania in Africa as a region in which we invest. But also as a small business Our total sales estimated to be worth 420,000 million baht this year, of which 60% was derived from investment in foreign 34-35% as revenue from sales in Canada. The remaining 6% of revenue from exports from Australia of CPF profit in the third quarter, that is improved compared to the same period last year. As meat prices The chicken and pork The rise Compared to 2 years ago, the price of raw materials has dropped. While the earnings CPF came from abroad, however, the key issues of the aquaculture business. The cause of the symptoms of death Food (Early Mortality Syndrom or EMS) in shrimp, which affect the company directly. However, we are confident that revenues will grow by 9-10% in the previous year, as usual.
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