As, I was saying every things cause the decrease in the number of wild animals, so speedy and endangered both the Sumatran Rhinoceros, whether as wild Asian water buffalo, deer, Antelope, mountain goat kupri Schomburgk's deer and hog deer.
As, I was saying every things cause the decrease in the number of wild animals, so speedy and endangered both the Sumatran Rhinoceros, whether as wild Asian water buffalo, deer, Antelope, mountain goat kupri Schomburgk's deer and hog deer.
As, I was saying every things cause the decrease in the number of wild animals, so speedy and endangered both the Sumatran Rhinoceros, whether as wild Asian water buffalo, deer, Antelope, mountain goat kupri Schomburgk's deer and hog deer.
As I was, saying every things cause the decrease in the number of wild animals so speedy, and endangered both the Sumatran. Rhinoceros whether as, wild Asian water buffalo deer Antelope,,, goat mountain Kupri Schomburgk "s deer and hog deer.