Othello (Othello) is a general regional Venice, which is the moors, which contrasts with the population. Therefore, the people around to see that he is ugly people, however it fell in love with Desdemona (Desdemona), which was the son of Barry bloom! Oh.Which Congress member, due to fear that Barry bloom! Oh to exclude. Othello secretly finds Desdemona and love each other!
.At the same time, Iraq Abu (Iago ensign.) The servant girl, husband of Othello Hope to Othello up the ranks. But the shrub back up ranks with Casio (Cassio). Which is the shortcut trust The Iraq Abu offended many until swore revenge.(Rodrigo) a man loves Desdemona as well. It ถูกอิ Ahn used and killed later
.Not long later I Abu tells the story of Othello to Barry bloom! Oh listen, which made him very angry. Because he doesn't believe that his daughter is fond of Othello voluntarily. Think to superstition.Because Othello is an officer, Radius is a judge. The Desdemona confirmed her love for Othello again. Therefore, Barry bloom! Oh to grit your teeth and get Othello's son-in-law
.Later, Othello was sent to Cyprus. To set the offensives, the Ottoman Empire, which Desdemona, Rodrigo, Ahn and wife casino o track, when the Cyprus, Rodrigo made will quarrel with Othello.In order to Desdemona can help will not fall, will follow the instructions without knowing yourself being used
.Later, Othello see Das demo คาสิโอ้ Talk da Talk alone. Due to his electronic and Abu told that both have a deep secret relationship. Therefore Othello is a ฉามา. In order to make Othello believe Abu. 'I put คาสิโอ้ by a diabetic. Which this handkerchief Othello found in the hands of คาสิโอ้. The Othello believed found evidence that wife unfaithful and
though des demo refused and said they were ruined Na Prum, but Othello jealous. Don't believe her and ฆ่าเธอ on the bed. Although the wife of Abu isa will open a prong evil plan and husband is killed, but everything is too late then
.Yi was arrested, Ahn The Othello commits suicide to atone for done. The fate of Iraq Abu that fall into the hands of the new governor. คาสิโอ้ after the death of Othello.
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