Teaser trailers tend not to be very long however this one is just a tad too short. I
struggled to find a teaser trailer on its own separate from other trailers so have no
choice other than this one trailer. However it is a part of the campaign and has
key conventions of a trailer as well as aspects of the campaign that i have
previously highlighted.
This trailer shows only a few shots at a fast pace which is a typical convention as
it allows a lot of scenes to be aired within a short amount of time. It also helps to
identify a thrilling generic style. There is also use of captions, camera angles and
Looking at the captions first we can see that they follow the same font used on
the posters. This allows, again, the posters
and trailer to link together. Also in this trailer
there is a similar shot of Tony Stark in his iron
man suit in a similar position to the full theatrical
release , this again allows a clear link to be made. Furthermore this trailer has a
dull blue colour scheme fitting to the posters and the magazine cover