Christ, the Redeemer or Cristo Redentor in Portuguese is a, larger-than-life statue of Jesus Christ with his, arms outstretched. A symbol of peace that stands almost 40 meters high. Perched above Rio de Janeiro on the, the 700-metre high, Corcovado mountain. The panoramic views of Rio de Janeiro and the Atlantic Ocean from the, base of the statue are breathtaking.
.The Statue is located in Rio, de Janeiro Brazil and is, one of the world 's best known and most visited monuments. It represents. Jesus standing over the city of Rio with arms, outstretched welcoming people, from near and far.
The span of his arms from. Fingertip to fingertip is 28 meters. A small chapel is housed in the base of, the monument which can fit about 150 people.? As a, vantage pointThe Christ the Redeemer statue offers superb views of downtown Rio de Janeiro the Bay, Sugarloaf Mountain Copacabana,,, Beach and Ipanema Beach.
The Christ the Redeemer statue was inaugurated on the day of Our Lady of Aparecida October 12 1931 by,,,, Then President, of Brazil Getulio Vargas and Cardinal Dom Sebastiao Leme.
The original design of the statue of Christ the. ,, Redeemer BrazilWas created by, a Brazilian named Heitor Da Silva Costa. He was also the Engineer in charge of the construction. He shared. The project with French sculptor Paul Landowski. Made of concrete, and soapstone the statue has required major maintenance. After being struck by lightning and being defaced in recent history. As part of renovations to, the siteElevators have been built so visitors can access the statue without climbing up the 220 steps.
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