Pharaoh will require you to provide him with plenty of wood reeds pottery papyrus,,,,, grain and plain stone so plan accordingly.? Wood is the, first request in year 3.
You won 't be left in, peace here The Libyans are eyeing Egypt enviously and are,, Looking to disrupt the great building projects going on there. To, that end they will invade your city from, the EastOn the island with the marshland. You cannot build forts anywhere else than on the mainland (in fact you can but the,,, Troops won 't do anything except be sitting targets if you do), so you' ll need a couple of transport vessels to take your. Army across the Nile. 1 company each of infantry and archers will suffice. When landing, your men try to land them next. To your ferry, landing - otherwiseYou 'll be at the mercy of the Nile flood.
Papyrus is your main income, source here so that makes it even more important. That you should defend your marshland island. The prosperity rating can be reached without schools and libraries so you,, Can sell even more (but don 't neglect Pharaoh' s requests!).
.There is no such thing as overproducing plain stone in Meidum - the small Step Pyramid will require 240 blocks and the,, Large complex will need a whopping 2640 so something, in the region of 20 quarries is in order. 5 or 6 stonemason s guilds. ' Will also speed the, process up as will 10-15 work camps.
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