Tomato (scientific name: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.Horseradish) is a rich nutritional value. Medium tomatoes is the amount of vitamin C half of grapefruit whole fruit. One result is a story 1 tomatoes in vitamin A 3 body needs in a day.Magnesium and other minerals. Many
.An annual crop was only 1 years stem upright, look into the Bush, downy, covered with leaves out small alternate leaves are not equal. Some leaves little Richard. Some big leaf blade tip sharp edge of the blade is jagged deep like a sawtooth, downy.The axillary flowers are yellow with green sepals and petals about 5-6. The result is a single, there are different sizes, shapes and colors, which are small, about 3 cm. Until about the size of 10 cm, the shape is ทั้งกลม flat, round or oval.The effect of raw green or grayish green when ripe yellow, orange or red meat in ฉ่ำด้ water sour beans are a lot. The tomatoes have many varieties, such as varieties of Sita. Varieties Roma red pier etc.
.The benefits of tomatoes
.Nourish the skin moist and bright, no dry contains anti-oxidants that help reduce leaching logarithm and the molding (of ages. Tomato juice improves freshness to the body. Enhance the immunity of the body to be strong.Tomato, beta-carotene and phosphorus in large quantities, tomatoes can help in the treatment of acne. With the addition of tomato juice comes out the surface. Or thin slice the paste face. Make skin firm bright. With the addition of tomato juice comes out the surface.Tomato juice used made it By that name is fruit juice, tomato paste, made it popular challenge food menu items such as fried rice, soup, salad, etc., to help the body to fight with asthma has up to 45%.Not Alzheimer's cure scurvy scurvy help prevent hardening of the blood vessels. The tomato has the effect of a diuretic Cure for high blood pressure. Help reduce the risk of heart disease.The occurrence of a heart attack, for those who smoke regularly. Help prevent myocardial infarction. Assist in digestion in the stomach and help in the bowel easily. Inhibit the growth of fungi, or oral thrush.Reduce the risk of prostate cancer in males up to 45% if eating tomatoes. Reduce the risk of ovarian cancer in women, tomato sauce fermentation.Due to swimming in the pool with chlorine. Tomato sauce used polished silver jewelry pieces in your favorite shiny intact. With the tomato sauce to rub and rinse off. Tomato sauce in smell food.Just open the lid sauce left 1 night only. Tomato sauce, relieve pain after a fall or be cut has
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