1) to drivers driving while intoxicated in 2) officers have the power to stop the car. When seen driving while intoxicated in 3) community provide information. Knowledge and campaign about the dangers posed by drinking alcohol 4).Support in the prevention of accidents from drinking alcohol 5) set point measures the amount of alcohol. To cover all areas appropriately and regularly 6) Community Center for joint action to prevent the warning for 24 hours.Or to relatives who come to obtain the car back 7) government to rule out love the stringent. Arrest and seriously punished immediately. The opinion of students and how to reduce the accidents from drinking alcohol.Concepts and researches mentioned in Chapter 2 is 1) who เมาค should sleep breaks the car. Or others to drive vehicles or use public transportation instead 2), the driver should limit the amount of alcohol in the drink each time 3) a dealer.4 pm and not sold to children under 18 years 4) to the public information to officials when seen people drunk driver
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