29 x 2.5 cm. paper cutsCut paper, 29 x 0.5 cm (as gaysorn)Wrapping paper as the rest of the top 0.5 cm in rio.Finish installation by the end of the paper, wrapping paper from a roll of 2, then as gaysorn.Roll the petals byGlue the bottom edge straight to bloom flowers BlackBerry wipe.Wrapping paper or fabric cover for a variety of tattoo cover, size A4 is wider than ½ cm per side and then fold it in half mark for the 3-point punch sewing straight San fold apart about 3 cm per point.Folded A4 paper used as filling in the 3-point mark for the gutter.Place stuffed in the quarter amount in the cover and then release the rope, or a hundred needles stitching, piercing from the silk San cover inside hole from 1 to 3 points.Then use a needle hole centered between the two, which is the point at which the rope or 1 and 3% men left the 2 sides silk into a hole in the middle of this, at the end of the rope on both lines the outer surface to tie a rope to protect the San, both to protect the knot San.Decorative designs on the book cover.
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