Muscular system
-muscles, mainly based on a short section of the muscle between the articulate of the trunk and between the domain's wife, rayang
-r lung muscle of the call there will be 2 sets of opposing work
.-Flexor muscle, usually larger on the sky Make your customers.
-extensor muscle is smaller than and slouch muscle opposite
.-Call of the lungs are invertebrates that have animated the best compared with other invertebrates and circulating system channel
.-Channel call of an small lungs, especially during a full age. The channel will remain around the reproductive organs (the gonocoel) only.
-Gaps in almost all trunk is a hemocoel insert scattered around in the space of the trunk system. circulating systems
-open heart with blood and bloody basin (hemocoel)
.-Blood of the r lung has largely call haemocyanin is oxygen detector. There are some specific types of haemoglobin there
-platelet (blood-platelet) as advanced animals
gas exchange-gill Gill will want to always moisturize before gas exchange.
.-Lung, oxygen from the air into a book released by pipes into the tissue directly from the tracheal system oxygen present-
air along the pipe into the tissue directly.
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