Scientist. 1. Sir Isaac Newton (Sir Isaac Newton) Of course, among the scientists scared to be out is absent, the British scientist Sir Isaac Newton example is not decisive by Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1965, born December 25 (2185), and died March 20, while the age of 85 years in 1727 or b.e. (1914), 2270 (according to the Julian calendar of Julius Caesar), of which he is a genius at all surrounding as a mathematician, physicist. Astronomers, philosophers The Alchemist and writer theology, most of his works at the best known ones is that Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation rules that he thought from the beginning to fall from Apple's pupil. Top 10 famous scientists from around the world. 2. Louis Pasteur (Louis Pasteur). Louis Pasteur chemistry and microbiology student nationals of France Born December 27 1822-1965 (2365), and died on September 28 1895-1965 72 years, when teen (2438) this man, whom he considered a scientist lives most people. Because the treatment of various diseases such as rabies and anthrax disease, moreover, help to make us more comfortable. From the research method, pasteurised to disinfection and preservative to keep for very long. Top 10 famous scientists from around the world. 3. Galileo Galician (Galileo Galilei), Les e. The scientists, who owns the nickname "father of the new age of science". This man. Born country Italy When February 15 1564 (1914) (2107) and live until the age of 77 years, until her death, when January 8 1642 (1914) (2185), he is a person who creates a change in the concept of a scientific era, before completely. By adhering to the theory of self that a planet revolves around the Sun, which is contrary to the Christian faith in the modern theory of Aristotle who believed that the Sun and moon revolve around the Earth and causes him to be prevented from teaching his students about this theory again, otherwise they will be arrested, he has fabricated a telescope designed to study more and prove his theory is true at last. Top 10 famous scientists from around the world. 4. Marie-Curie (Marie Curie). Marie Curie is a scientist of nationals of Poland. Born November 7 1867-1965 (2410) and died July 4, when the year 1934 (2477) in 66 years of childhood, which she called a women's literacy-proficient people. Because, while most women in her era did not receive education or opportunities equal to men, actors. She returned to strive towards the research until the discovery of Radium rays that can inhibit the spread of cancer, until at last, as a result, she received the Nobel Prize. Moreover, the In addition, the intelligence of her already. The devotion of her society, it also makes many people impressed too. Because she chose not to patent things that she discovered, which would make her become a millionaire effortlessly, but devoted themselves to the public option and research until death from too much Radium rays close eventually. Top 10 famous scientists from around the world. 5. Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein) One of German Jewish descent, scientists, which occurs when the date March 14 1879-1965 (2422), and died on April 18 1955-1965 (2498), while 78-year-old, which, although he will be one of the world's scientists, widely known in the present day. But in fact, he had a child with a learning problem before. He was unable to speak until the age of 3 years old and read books when 8 years until no one expected that he would become a successful scientist has invented large artifacts, including many new theories are created. Particular highlights include the works of special relativity, which explains how we will all see the light velocity in the same term. And general relativity, which is a theory that describes gravity positive geometry. Which makes many scholars until your eyes finally. Top 10 famous scientists from around the world. 6. Charles Darwin (Charles Robert Darwin) Charles Darwin born February 12 1809-1965 (2352), and died on April 19 in the year 1882-1965 73 teen (2425), which until modern times. The theory that natural scientists who created it also debate. Because there are people who agree and argue at the same time. By Darwin had written a book about the evolution of the animal which claimed that the animals will adapt to fit the body condition of living and the environment make it resemble the changes until you become the evolution, which even today, he would have been hailed as the smart one scientist. But another part, it is also those who reject his ideas as well. 7. Thomas Albacete Edison (Thomas Alva Edison). Of course, we must have the inventions of Thomas Edison, Albacete. Everyone of course because British scientists, which occurs when the February 11 1847-1965 (2390) and died 84 years when October 18 1931 (2474) this person is the owner of many patents, inventions that we used in our daily lives more than 1,000 pieces, especially the invention of bulb is a masterpiece, even though he will have to learn, make sur.
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