The middle section is the area between the Valley. The characteristic undulating flat areas or areas with lawn sloping to smooth down the portion of the area is almost deserted or large ranges. The bottom is flat River Plains beach. The mangrove forest. Mangrove forest Offshore are gone. There are big and small islands arranged sea shore. The island of Koh Chang, Koh Kood is important, etc. above mountains is considered as the origin such as rivers, streams, Trat, Klong velu. Most will flow into the Gulf of Thailand, South side of the province, all of which was.The water flows through the province, the direction of the flow of the river and the area of each water basin. Sizes and in different areas. The majority of water forms a water stick (Dendriticpattern) and water, loosen the Bush (sub-dendriticpattern) is mostly water and short cables too much. Some call the Canal Is important for the cultivation of most strongly is originating from mountains and mountains of the Northern line, Amphoe Khao saming?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..