The Power Fluctuating Mitigation of Photovoltaic Distributed Generations Micro
in-grid With Battery Energy Storage System
Abstract - This article shows the problem of changing voltage (voltage
charges) due to the power supply (power) in remote areas from the station
Main power (Main substation), which has a connection Photovoltaic (PV) generations
power network system in very small (Micro-grid) to the quality power (Power
quality) by considering two case studies are ready to power (Normal
dispatch), which are within walking distance from main power station (Main substation), and the separate, independent State
(islanding) result of the study found that the state power (Normal
dispatch), the power to alleviate the volatility of production from PV
generation of the system with a good size tank with battery power
(Battery Energy Storage System, BESS) presented in this Article can alleviate the problems
pressure fall (voltage drop) and to improve the quality power (Power
Quality), it is in the standard conditions specified in separate, independent (
islanding condition), found that the use of the appropriate size BESS presented in the article
can improve the quality power (power quality) that are made from PV
generation and can reduce the burden of the power generator Diesel
time period in the production of sufficient generation PV
amount of energy demand (energy demand), the load (load) supports state power outage (outage)
also Micro Index Terms - - grid, Power fluctuation, Photovoltaic
Generations, Battery Energy Storage System I
INTRODUCTION needs clean energy that does not cause global warming and energy crisis relief
PV in current generations have grown up without the
Only environmentally friendly PV generations also allows the system
main power network (Main-grid) can be received the demand of energy
load has increased, raising pressure (voltage) in the system
Distribution (distribution system) that is far away from the main production (generation) to the standard quality criteria is
in electrical power loss and help reduce
(Power loss) in the system as it is installed near load (load) especially PV
A small generations that are rated 1 to 20 MW MW [ 1which most do
connection (interconnect) to the system vendor (distribution system) or the system
distribution sub-transmission system (2], however, the volatility of
Electrical Power (Power fluctuation) that are made from a high value
PV generations have changed in accordance with the improvement of the quality of the air condition Power Supply (Power
quality), so it is important
electric distribution system (the power distribution systems), which is a traditional
(traditional), most of the area is a centralized (centralize), as a source
Electric (source) a limited Mae - Sariang Micro-grid system at Amphur Mae Sariang,
Mae in this case study, as well as a system that is short of the system
Distribution (distribution system) about 106 km long.
main power from the station (Main substation), a short-circuit current (short circuit current) Low 100 - 200
amp is a very weak system that make the changes voltage level (voltage
charges) is higher when loading (load) or production changes and sudden
(rapidly) to minimize the impact on quality of electrical power (power quality) 4 and
Mae] - Sariang Micro-grid system is the connection, and to pay for electric power (power)
PV generations produced from the volatility of Power (Power
fluctuation) produced a high rated 4 MW is installed in close proximity to the station
electric system (substation) at mae sariang which is installed near the group load (load), so
this article is presented to improve the quality of electrical power (power quality)
The production from PV generations with the tank battery power with
(BESS) with the size of the BESS PV generations used in conjunction with
power network system (power grid) the application.Mae Sariang is short of line
(transmission line) at length, the reliability of system (system reliability)
low power problem (outage) more than 20 times per year and has a low quality of electricity
(Low Power quality), which found that some time to connect generations PV
main power network system (main grid) cause a pressure fall (voltage drop) 4
] PV generations, so the connection is in the system helps make the
reliability of system reliability) better. But the quality of electrical power
(power quality) that are made from PV generations is necessary for quality
electric power network system (power grid) that support the connection as well.
Fig. 1.Mae - Sariang Micro-grid system for normal dispatch
figure 1 shows power network system (power grid) pressure level at 22 kV
Mae Sariang Mae Hong Son is just an electric distribution system (
distribution system) main power from the station (main substation (HOD Substation Feeder No
P9) for approximately 106 km.In normal state power (Normal dispatch), the connection
PV generations rated size 4 MW
the main power network system (Main grid) to help support demand electric power (energy demand
) in a day, and there is an access point installed PV generations close to load
(load), it is to help reduce excessive power loss (Power loss), the main power network system
(Main grid), the [ 4in this case will be considered
quality of voltage (voltage) at the access point (at point of common coupling) before
improve the quality and Power (Power Quality) that are made from PV
generations with BESS with determining the size of the BESS
enough to improve the quality of electrical power (power quality) to
Fig 2. Mea - Sariang Micro - grid islanding system for dispatch
figure 2 for the case study, it is possible to separate the independent State
(Islanding) system of Micro - grid. Mae Sariang from power network system
Main (main grid) when you consider the balance between the load (load), which are important in the
feeder circuits 1 (feeder No1), to the feeder circuits 4 (feeder No 4) to
the production capacity (generation) of Diesel Generator MW size 4 rated by
considered to be a connected PV generations rated 4 MW
consider including the improvement of the quality of electric power (power quality) that are made from PV
generation with BESS with the consideration for a good size in the range are
The production (generation) of PV generation enough to demand
energy (energy demand) for the purpose of loading the power-supply
(distributed power), which is in accordance with the criteria set to reduce the burden of production
electric generator from Diesel (for reduce generation of Diesel
generator) by considering quality Power (Power quality), the access point (at point of common coupling
) before and after the improvement of the quality of electric power
(power quality) that are made from PV generation
In this article we have presented a technique for determining the size of a BESS
create Power Line Reference (Reference power line technique), together with the reference lines
power-how to adjust displayed.
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