Title Bar
) is the name of the show is that Microsoft Excel displays the name of the file or a workbook instead of 2
. Command bars (Menu Bar) command which is used to include a file (File) Edit (Edit) View (View) Insert (Insert) Format (Format) Tools (Tool), the information (Data) Window (Window) The Wizard (Help)
3. Toolbar (Bar Tool) is a tool that is used to display bar for Microsoft Excel to work on various matters including
3.1. The standard toolbar (Standard Tool Bar)
3.2. Formatting toolbar (Formating Tool Bar)
3.3 the Drawing toolbar (Tppl Drawing Bar)
4. The formula bar (Bar Formular) is used to display data and formulas in the cells that we are working on. Using input and edit data
5. The Chi bar jobs (Sheet Bar) displays the name of the active worksheet
6. The status bar (Status Bar) as part of operation status display and keyboard
7. Slider (Scroll Bar) used to move a document to the left-right, up-down, or move
8. Pointer to the cell (Active Cell) is a cell ลืที่กำลัง is already in use at that time. The cell is active, there is a fence line phasen black surrounding
9. Workbook (Work Book) is created from the Excel sheet that contains multiple Work sheets back together
10. Worksheets (Work Sheet) Refer to the area that the PLA has the spreadsheet, we can enter data and formulas into cells. In addition to the information in the se and can also paste objects such as pictures or charts (Chart)
3 Save slots in that select the drive and folder to collect info
4. The File name box type the name of the file from this example, the name Save button click First Job will have the file extension .docx
.To save a document as a different file name, storage or other drive
.When you add the information in the file, or edit the information in the document, and then click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to save the original file as soon as possible. If you want to Save the file to another drive or another job. There are steps, as follows:
1. Click the Office button and choose Save As command Button Word Document
2. appear As dialog box, Save your details as required
closing files paperwork
when you save the file completed work. To close the task. There are steps, as follows:
.• Click the Office Button, select the Close
new job to open a file when you want to create a new document. There are steps, as follows:
1. Click the Office Button, select the New
. Select the Blank document is ready. Click the Create button to open the file in the disk
1. Click the Office Button, select Open
2. POPs Open your dialog box, define the details of
3. Look in box select the drive and folder where the archive
4. Click the name of the file that you want to open, and then select the file in the example, the name First Job.Docx Open, and then click the button.
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