Chapter 1
introduction, background and significance of the project work
.Garbage is one of the big problems that we face today. Each day.Remnant left residues resulting from a lot of consumer as if I might come to programming garbage Overflow Earth is in each country is a step in a somewhat different landfill waste disposal บ้างเผา get rid of which each method resulted in organizations.Impact on environment. Different almost all the garbage and toxic contamination may be ถึงขั thereof to rent space in underdeveloped countries to sanitary landfill ever in some kind of trouble and waste ให้มวลมนุษย์ planet in the long run because it.Opponents can be decomposed into a short period, but takes a long time, hundreds of thousands of years to of enzymatic hydrolysis of such as various plastic, etc. until the concept of recycling and reuse.Has happened, which seems to be a way to reduce waste, or it can not reduce the waste มีประสิทธิภาพแม้จะ going to waste as possible with it but this concept will help foster new junk decrease was derived.Very much, current use of resources value about recycling - reuse awake fully ready.. with the story of the terrors of global warming. The problem comes from the living habits of our own so that was สำหรับทางออก of global warming, the first of all.The plastic water bottles, milk cartons, various packaging can be used to recycle almost all recycling. The leftovers to eat processed waste scrap materials, new to take another.That means the reuse of milling process without passing through any
.Recycling - reuse is the stimulation of conscience in resource utilization and treatment.The environment coexist in nature by mutually depend on each other and we as individuals the most rostral part in society is regarded as the key of process starting from today, then know that we humans can do.Over that.Disposable
.Recycling the waste and make the world less reduces the amount of this natural resource.Used as raw material in the factories reducing smelting of pure and reducing the overthrow destroy forest down with a turnover brought new production also decreases the energy from the south edge reducing the release of carbon dioxide up toAir and reduce acid rain situation.Thailand. From the study of pollution control department, Ministry of science, technology and environment, the potential of the waste materials can bring back the use of solid waste luggage transport. Maintenance was near Bangkok and the provinces.16-34 volume of solid waste storage, but only 7 percent, or about 2360 tons per day only with utilization recycle. Is one way to help increase the quality to life value and the environment and help to preserve the natural resources of the world as well.
1 objective of the project.? The residues recycled utilization
2.? To create a good attitude to the dumping tank
3.? To facilitate the use of
the target project quantitative
.Recycling bins genius, with reports show the number of 1 set
1 qualitative. The residues recycled utilization
2.? The user has a good attitude to dump
3.Users are comfortable because automated systems that help facilitate the using scope of content
, 1. History of recycling waste
2.? The meaning and understanding of recycling waste
3. Types of waste recycling
4.The benefits of recycling waste
5.? Electronic process 6,
. Application of recyclable waste to a new, 7
. The importance of recycling waste
8.? The advantages and disadvantages of recycling waste
9.? The presentation of the lessons 10,
. The form of recycling waste
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