Background and significance of the market
.In the past, the human society economic system feed themselves. Each family can produce fruit eat in their household. Goods, household appliances, is what made easy. Because it relies on raw materials.Even the clothes were woven on it when the society developed and people can produce cereal plants. As well as the necessary items. Be in large quantities beyond the demand that still is in excess, it brings the excess production.Or food, and their family cannot be produced. This exchange may be exchanged between the village or between cities is ห่างไกลออกไป by using foreign merchant cow or caravan. Or it may be the output.Source trading goods in that era. It is not the exact place
.And it came to pass, when society grow into a big city. The condition and status of urban society. Money started prevalent, and the trade expansion. The resulting demand consumer goods. And consumers are more along the necessity.For those commodities trading. That is the market, which often is that people in society or community that, know and can travel back and forth easily. As well as the center in the transportation, both land and water.It depends on the size of the community at the market is located, or the number of items that were available in the market แห่งนั้น. Besides, feature of the market, also depending on the environment. And settlement of the community, such asThe market of that community, also referred to as the "floating" or if the transportation trade. ก็เรียกว่า. "The market, land market is the place." Shows the cultural well-being of the person in society as well
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