1) mechanical (mechanical method) method is a method of using a simple tool to destroy or prevent pests this method suitable for small farming and labor available, for example, 1.1) to keep or destroy pest pressure, and mechanical tools. 1.2) section of the burning plant was destroyed, as well as access to pest pest destroyed directly. This method is usually performed after the crop has been harvested, such as burnt stumps rice to destroy worms KOR Khao San. 1.3) using mesh or a pest trap 2.) Physics, mathematical methods (physical method) is used to heat waves. The sound waves and radiation temperature or electricity to repel or prevent such pest insects. Bird grasshopper mice, bats 3.) how innovation zone (cultural method) is a method of arranging the environment to accommodate the growth and spread of the pest by the way, Karma County. 3.1) to loosen the soil plough Tak page prior to planting, the Sun and the heat, insects, disease or weed destruction, reduced. 3.2) to release flood water before preparing the soil, insects. Other foes, such as rats and weeds have been flooding to death. 3.3) crop rotation (crop rotation) is the Elimination of destructive insect and weed and life rings to prevent the accumulation of plant diseases. 3.4) plough to loosen after harvest to destroy homes of rats and crab-weed may be a source of pest insect or plant disease, guys. 3.5) to get rid of weeds by thak to mow or to loosen. 3.6.) plantations in that selection does not appear before the outbreak of the pest. 3.7.) select the appropriate planting time or to avoid the spreading of the pest. 3.8), planting, plant care, strong resistance to destroy or seize the enemy plants such as rapid fertilizer application to trim. 3.9) the use of species of pest resistance (resistant variety) by selection or breeding for cultivars that are strong, resistant pests like rice kok kok 9.27. Brown planthopper resistance Cotton varieties Story 1 of disease resistance the ngik Rubber varieties disease resistance the GT1-loss. Official biological method 4) (biological method) is a method of using natural enemies of pest control, based on the principle of the balance of nature. This approach has been successful in controlling insects, weeds, and some enemies, such as the use of the predator or disease control bian pest insect and fish consumption in water to get rid of weeds. This method is a method that is not harmful to the environment in terms of pollution, and is believed to be the method of pest control than other methods, but it is a permanent research is not yet widespread. At present, domestic pest control research center, Thailand by Chi vi national notri and establishes every sector. For the South, is located at the Faculty of natural resources. Prince of songkla University 5) legal (legal control) method is specified by the law and penalties for violators, such as the detention law, plants and plant quarantine Act this is to import plants or certain types of agricultural materials from abroad will have to comply with the law and this Act through the checkpoint to examine plants by detention officers make sure that no pest infected. Quarantine of plants, Department of agriculture The Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives will have to perform according to the law. It also has a duty to make the submission certification, materials or specific types of agricultural products abroad. 6) how to use pest control chemicals (chemical method) is a method of using chemicals to get rid of the pest directly, destroying or preventing. This is a popular method because it is fast and high performance. Can solve the problem well, but it is a page-specific methods that are harmful to people and the environment if used more properly. Using the wrong way or the lack of knowledge and understanding of chemicals and how to use them, as well as a lack of caution in the use of chemicals. It also found that several types of pest has the ability to withstand certain kinds of chemicals quickly. Chemicals classified as pest removal chemical. Two categories Their inorganic chemical substances 6.1) (inorganic pesticide) mostly compounds of mercury, copper, sulphur, salt, zinc and iron. Some of these chemicals are toxic against humans and animals. Currently not used, and is prohibited in some countries, especially the use of mercury and zinc salts. 6.2.) of chemicals they organic (organic pesticide) chemicals extracted from plants such as tobacco tin shield fiber recycling Centrum Sadao citronella Kha or synthetic substance that came up by way of a chemical (synthetic pesticide). วิธีการจัดการศัตรูพืชแบบผสมผสานดังกล่าวนั้น นอกเหนือจากการนำเอาวิธีต่างๆ มาใช้ร่วมกันแล้ว ยังต้องขึ้นอยู่กับชนิดของพืช ภูมิอากาศ และสภาพท้องถิ่น (มูลนิธิการศึกษาเพื่อชีวิตและสังคม, 2531) กล่าวคือต้องมีมาตรการหลายๆ ประการมาเกี่ยวข้อง เช่น ความรอบรู้ในเรื่องระบบนิเวศทางการเกษตร การปลูกพืชหลายชนิดในแปลงปลูก ลักษณะของพื้นที่ปลูก การปลูกพืชหมุนเวียน การเลือกฤดูปลูกพืชที่เหมาะสม การใช้ปุ๋ยอินทรีย์ และการรักษาความอุดมสมบูรณ์ของดิน การไถพรวนดินเพื่อกำจัดศัตรูพืช โดยเฉพาะไข่และตัวอ่อนของแมลงในดิน การเลือกพันธุ์ใช้เมล็ด ส่วนหรือท่อนพันธุ์พืชที่แข็งแรง ปราศจากโรค การรักษาความสะอาดในแปลงปลูก และการร่วมมือกันระหว่างเกษตรกรในการควบคุมการระบาดของศัตรูพืช Pest control chemicals, when broken down by the type of pest control might split. 7 the pesticide (insecticide), plant disease, drugs or antiseptic disinfectant (fungicide), grass (herbicide) disinfectant spray (nematicide) drug killing earthworms rats (rodenticide), drugs kill the snail (molluscicide) and Red (miticide or acaricide)?
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