Download the datamine.csv file from the class website. This dataset is to be used to predict whether a person in an MBA program will like a data-mining course or not. The fields for each of the 2000 records are as below:
Download the datamine.csv file from the class website. This dataset is to be used to predictwhether a person in an MBA program will like a data-mining course or not. The fields for eachof the 2000 records are as below:
Download the datamine.csv file from the class website. This dataset is to be used to predict whether a person in an MBA Program Data-Mining Will like a course or not. The Fields for each of the records are the 2 thousandth as Below:.
Download the datamine. CSV file from the class website. This dataset is to be used to predict whether a person in an MBA. Program will like a data-mining course or not. The fields for each of the 2000 records are as below: