1. students read aloud the words given in the textbook page 40 article 2, point and Listen at the same time, other say. tell the meaning, then the teacher opens the CD/track 32 students to listen to and give students points '' by the words you hear. The teacher opens the CD again to vote according to the students, teachers, Audio script installed tiles on the Board and students see the students read aloud and help interpret when students understand what it means, and then the students read aloud by CD again. Completed the teacher pointed words in books by Word, either spoken vocabulary students. The teacher may randomly call students 2-3 people to get up and speak words that stand point teachers to monitor student understanding.2. students read aloud the sentences given in the textbook page and say 3 Point 41. simultaneously, and then help the teachers ask the students to tell the meaning that these words are related to us? The students help each other figure until the answer that it is an organ that is located on the face of the us. Then the teacher opens the CD/track 33 students to listen to and give students points '' by the sentences that you hear. The teacher opens the second CD, students listen to point fingers and read aloud by CD.
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