Export (Export) I gather is to be run. Various documents related to the export. Is as follows: 1. I made a document. Account item price (Invioce abroad), (information packaging) Packing List. By requesting information from the relevant departments. 2. I get certificate to export the goods. In most cases, I contact the Department of foreign trade. MOC เพิ่อ request a certificate source Origin (origin of goods issued From such A model, the FTA (D, E, From From From AJ), but will be sent to each country. So importers have been in tax, customs and import company, the price advantage., In certain circumstances, I requested the security certificate, a certificate of product quality standards. From the Department of export promotion 3. my vehicle to the Shipping Agent and contact some of the cases, I contact the insurance of goods subject to mandatory. 4. plan, manage, export, according to the terms stated in the book buyers order a product called wue L/C (Letter or Credit) in all respects. 5. I collected the documents from 1-4. then all Shipping Agent. To act through the service must be covered by a. Supply of ships Preparation of customs documents and procedures of the Department of Customs is to make an outbound transportation category. The promotion of investment (BOI) (kasok. 101/1). In this step, the error is not very detailed, but the validation. 6. I submit materials to the Office of the Board of investment (BOI). Because of that, he is entitled to bring the raw material. When the item. It is better to sell to make the raw materials from the settlements with the Office of the Association of investment clubs (IC) this step is more organized details step exercise. Tasks related to the Office of the BOI.
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