Advantages and disadvantages of wearing school uniforms The issue, students must wear school uniform then. In this current debate many that students should be uniform or not, or whether to wear what's students. This issue is a very complicated issue to decide, however, is why we have brought advantages and disadvantages of wearing school uniforms come to consider together.-See the professionalism Some people say that children in school uniforms look and then would need to take study in school seriously. It was like that when students wearing school uniforms, show that students have to go to school, as well as the father to work attire to go to work. -Promoting good discipline Many people think that school uniforms help students maintain discipline in schools and help reduce incidents of child discipline a student. The reason is that children nowadays lack discipline on their own because their parents refused to punish them. Thus, when a teacher dealing with classes of 25-30 students during a period when people with difficult.-Reduce the violence and fighting. There is a survey that students wear uniforms, students will have the opportunity, reduce violence and Student brawl when compared to let students wear clothes by fashion or comfortably. Students are often mocked fellow students that there are no modern clothing. Students who cannot afford to buy brand name clothes are sensitive to their feelings about their clothes. Therefore, we can see that school uniforms help to deal with this problem easily, because all students are wearing clothes that are all the same.-To be distracting fashion story Many parents believe that wearing school uniforms of the school will allow students to see better wearing comfort and wearing school uniforms, it can make sure that the children would arrive at the school in appropriate clothing. To avoid having to wear fashion clothes may make the students see the rows of ดป๊ dress or reveal too much. Some students, as they show that unending fashion show. Make the concentrate in the classroom of ด็ก some people take the time to focus on their clothes than to learn in the classroom.-School uniform with an affordable price. School will have cheaper clothing fashion, especially in designing clothing and parents to see that the school is designed to be durable. Withstand frequent cleaning and wear and some schools may be a distributor of school itself. Make sure the parents buying school uniforms are cheaper prices in the market.-With the spirit of the school. The feeling when wearing the uniform of the school helps some people feel that the spirit of the school for yourself and it can also create the pride students that the student learned that the school.-Cause discipline problems. Some students reject any regulation that forces them wearing the uniforms, the students just because they want to follow. They modify the uniforms of their students by making them. Larger, shorter or longer, it will cause problems to the teacher who will have to deal with those students.
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