Leading the way of the world with a satellite system (global navigation satellite system: English (GNSS)), a comprehensive geographical locations around the world. GNSS. Allow small electronic receiver can determine its own location such as longitude, latitude, and altitude to within a few metres using time signals sent along the line of sight (line of sight: the British) by radio signals from a satellite in space. Receiver on the ground with a fixed position can also be used to calculate the precise time as a reference for scientific experiments. The first such system was the "Transit", was developed by the applied physics laboratory of Johns Hopkins University under the leadership of Richard Kershner. development of a system for the u.s. Navy began in 1958, and a prototype satellite, Transit 1A, was fired in September 1959. This satellite failed to reach orbit. The second satellite, Transit 1B, was shot April 13 1960 success by rocket Thor-Ablestar. the last Transit satellite terrestrial transmission occurred in August 1988.
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