As soon as Min Ho stepped out of his car and onto the, red carpet deafening screams filled his ears. Photographers crowded Near him and clicked away - the flashes from their cameras causing him to blink several times. There were fans who tried To reach out and grab his arms and he, expertly dodged them by waving instead; his bodyguards helped by blocking them when They got too handsyIt was something he got accustomed to as the years passed. When he was just starting out as, an actor he used to wonder Whether he 'd be successful enough to get that kind of attention. But now he', d give anything for some real peace and, quiet It 's funny how we always want what we don' t haveHe smiled widely and waved some more as he approached the plank where he 'd have to have his pictures taken and answer Some questions.
He sighed as he got into, the cinema feeling extremely out of place. Sure he exchanged, hellos and greetings With other guests but he felt like the odd man out. He was still wondering why he was there in the first place when Shin, Hye decided not to goHe had hoped she would; and he could easily have backed out of the event when she, told him but it didn 't seem right.? He decided he was just going to enjoy the movie quietly and go home.
', Oppa wasseo?' He turned around and saw a beaming Park Bo Young approach him.
'Bo Young-ah!' He raised his hand and gave her a high five. 'I haven' t seen you in so, long How are you? '
'That' s because you 're too busy being Lee Min Ho,' she smiled. 'I' m doing great. As you, can see I have a new movie out! ' Bo Young laughed. 'I' m so glad you accepted, our invite oppa. Jong Suk kept bragging that he was the one who got you to Come. The producers are very happy with him right now. '
', Ah Kure? 'Min Ho chuckled.' It ', s true though he did ask me to ComeThanks for having me. '
' Are you kidding? You being here is just daebak. Everybody is crazy about you right now. I watched Your drama well, 'she said brightly.
' Min Ho hyung! 'Min Ho turned around and saw Jong Suk happily saunter towards them.
, Oh.' Jong Suk-ah, 'Min Ho lifted his hand for a high-five but Jong Suk went straight for the man hugMin Ho was startled as Jong Suk tapped his back. 'Uhh EO Kure,,,' Min Ho mumbled. This is not awkward at all.
'I m so.' Happy you ',' re here Jong, Suk said releasing him. 'I told you we', 're close he told Bo Young.
' Okay okay I believe,,, you. ' Bo, Young replied grinning. 'I' ll go on in first. See you both inside. '
', Hyung you 're going to the, party later right?'Jong Suk asked as soon as Bo Young was gone.' Please EO? Please, go. '
Min Ho looked at Jong Suk' s pouting face and cleared His throat. 'Ahh yeah. Just text me your address after this. I' ll be there. '
' ASSA! 'Jong Suk cried out. Min Ho s eyes.' Widened when Jong Suk threw his arm around his shoulder. 'You', re the best hyung! '
Jong Suk was only two years younger Than, himBut Min Ho wondered how he can be so bright and cheerful like a teenager. He seemed like the type of guy who wears his Heart on his sleeve. For, some reason he felt a smidgeon of envy. Min Ho had to be more careful of his actions around other People. But Jong Suk was as carefree as an actor could get. He was starting to see why people were so drawn to him.
Jong. ' Suk-ssi Min Ho-ssi,We 're starting in twenty minutes,' a girl who was holding a clipboard told them.
', Okay we' ll go in bit a, Jong Suk. ' Replied.
Min Ho saw Jong Suk reach for his phone from his jacket pocket. 'For, a while hyung,' Jong Suk told him.
Jong Suk swiped the screen and started to read something. 'Oh!' A little gasp escaped from his mouth. After, a while a grin spread Across Jong Suk 's faceHe bit his lip and typed enthusiastically. After he was done he put, back the phone in his pocket and did a little victory Fist bump with the air. Min Ho stared in awe. This guy really does everything he feels like doing. Moments later Jong Suk, Turned to Min Ho. 'Oh, hyung sorry,' he smiled from ear to ear. 'Should we go in?'
It wasn 't hard to guess why he was behaving Like thatOnly a girl can make a man smile like an idiot. 'Who was that? Girlfriend?' Min Ho asked.
Jong Suk looked down shyly;? His ears were starting to redden. 'Aniyo just a, friend. A girl friend. She just texted me that she' s going to be at the Party later. '
', Ah chincha? 'Min Ho replied.' Do I know her? 'Deep inside Min Ho, was hoping that Jong Suk would give him A name. Any name but hers
Jong Suk looked at Min Ho and smiled awkwardly. He rubbed his hand on, his nape obviously hesitant to answer the question.? 'Uhm. Yeah you know, her,' he paused. 'Everybody knows her,' Jong Suk wrinkled his nose.
Before Min Ho could ask a follow Up question - and he was dying to - Jong Suk spoke again. 'I guess you' ll see her later. Let ', s go in hyung'He flashed him another smile before heading to the cinema doors.
, Min Ho whose hands were inside, his pockets balled His fists and followed.
', Oppa are you at the party already?' Shin Hye asked as she rummaged her closet for what To wear. She had woken up a lot later than she had planned. These days her alarm, rarely worked. She was still feeling groggy And, worn-outBut she had already promised Min Ho she would go. Jong, Suk too. It was almost eleven o ', clock and she really didn t plan.' On staying at the party too long. The sooner she arrived the sooner, she could leave.
', Not yet but I' m in the van on the Way there. You? '
' Still at the apartment. I 'll probably be there in an hour or less. I just woke up actually,'Shin Hye took out a red plaid shirt and laid it on her bed. She stared at it for a few seconds then shook her head. I ve.' Been wearing this one a few too many times. She turned back to the cabinet and shuffled through more hangers. Should I just Wear a dress? NAH I ', ll look like I' m trying too hard. This is a casual party Shin Hye. Besides,You don 't want him to think that you dressed up for him.
' Are you still there? 'Min Ho asked.
?' Oh, Yeah yeah. Sorry Oppa. What were you saying? '
' I asked if you were going to drive yourself there. '
' I have no choice. Joon oppa disapproves Of me going to this party, 'she chuckled.
.' Arasso I was going to ask if you wanted a ride but for, some reasonYou don 't like the idea of me picking, you up right?'
Shin Hye giggled. 'That s.' 'right
Okay be, safe. I ll see you.' In a bit. '
' Hmm, 'Shin Hye hung up and threw her phone on the bed. She looked at more clothes but truthfully, she couldn, t.' Concentrate. It was the first time she was going to see Jong Suk since he dropped by unannounced at her place At, that timeShe was too preoccupied with her argument with Min Ho that she hasn 't put much thought into what his visit meant. When She and Min Ho cleared things up before she left for Malaysia she had, temporarily put her issue with Lee Jong Suk on, hold It was simply something she didn 't know how to deal with.
Then there was that card that came with the flowers'... Do you want to go out with me some time? - Lee Jong Suk'
She spent a long time thinking about whether to call him or To text him her response. But how does one even begin to answer that question? She hadn 't been in that situation before To having to reject a date because she 's already taken. Or she could say yes and they could hang out, as friendsBut she had an inkling that maybe Lee Jong Suk wanted more than that. She ended up not contacting him at all. She knew It was rude but she ', ll have to blame her schedule for that. I hope Jong Suk is too busy, to notice too.
She let out a Deep sigh. Should I just tell him I 'm dating Min Ho oppa?' Anya Anya. That, will be very awkward. What if he really just Wants to hang out and laughs at me?'Shin Hye shook her head and grabbed a random white shirt and a pair of, jeans. Ah meolla. Whatever, happens happens.
'So are you officially in?' Min, Ho asked taking a sip from his beer bottle. He held up his billiard stick and leaned A little focusing on, his opponent 's next move. He was down by two balls.
Woo Bin easily pocketed ball number six. Min Ho scrunched up his noseDown by three. 'Yeah. It will probably be announced next week once everything has been signed,' Woo Bin replied. He walked To the opposite end of the table and bent down as he eyed ball number seven. 'I' m really excited. I 've always wanted to Do a heist movie. '
' Chukae, 'Min Ho smiled.' You 're so busy you don' t even have time to call me anymore. '
Woo Bin was about to make a shot when he suddenly stood up straight and looked at Min Ho. 'Hyung I, ve been texting you.' A lot but you barely reply. You 're so much busier than I am!'
'I', m the sunbae jashik-ah! Of course I have to play hard To get. You haven 't even treated me to a beer,' Min Ho pointed his bottle at Woo Bin teasingly.
'Even if, I didYou 'll just decline because of your schedule,' Bin, Woo replied gripping his billiard stick and bending down. He squinted His eyes in concentration and hit the cue ball. His eyes followed as it expertly nudged the maroon ball into the side, pocket He smirked. 'I didn' t want to get heartbroken. If you want to see me, so much you should have made the, first move'Woo Bin lifted up his glass and drank til the last drop. He turned to, Min Ho his puckered lips pointing to the eight Ball only a few inches away from a corner pocket. 'Last ball,' he said.
Min Ho shook his head. 'You' re too good at this. '
Just As Woo Bin positioned himself to hit ball, number eight Min Ho heard the door open and saw Jong Suk enter the room.
In That, split secondMin Ho heard raucous laughter outside. People were probably busy getting drunk and partying. He and Woo Bin both feeling, Exhausted decided to, stay away from the crowd and hide out in Lee Jong Suk 's empty play room. Once in a while people would, Open the door
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