At the Beach far fanoe Good-looking young men. He was sitting watching stars on the sky thinking review matters in life. A few minutes later, he saw a star fall. He looks with interest, and the faith-based athitan eyes. When the eyes up the Meteor, he rises. He still holds, but the Meteor to be almost gushing sound in front of the van, he was born in mommommom. The rear and has a tremendous vibration until he was poised. He fell out with rocks and slapping his head.Eyes up! forgot the eyes up! Persons who are selected. When I hear them far more eyes gradually fanoe look around to find the voice, but I could not find anything. You know, just that now he is in an empty white room. There are no doors or Windows, in any. Suddenly it has been ejected from the light hanging from the walls, stop in front of the faf souvenir and then gradually change shape until a human shape, Sparkle Silver space wear. With fear and surprise far back to the fanoe meets the walls. You don't have to be afraid and wanted persons who are selected. We are friendly, we mail name Aston Martin. We are looking forward for a long time and for a long time and who is selected. I checked what you said is your far fanoe said. He is the star of the prophets I have predicted that he will take me back to my hometown star. And then you come to my world, Star them? If you come, you must return to your stars, not Hey who needs an excuse. What do you want from me, of course. Listen to I before the person is selected. I am traveling from Memphis star Te-that is my hometown stars, far away from the ideal world of thousands of millions of light years.When it comes to the ideal world of Crystal as my spaceship fuel out of it. I am unable to find that the Crystal is a unique fuel for my spaceship on the planet Earth, you are why I don't let people on your stars bring Crystal to? The far right (MLS) questions with Aston Martin fanoe question. The land I was destroyed, while I am traveling around the world to his star.Martin Simeon Aston answer questions far fanoe pronounced mourning Let me ask you, who is pushing to return to my hometown star. Help drive the spaceship, I implore boon far fanoe was weak and asked to say if I was selected, as you say, I won't be able to drive the vehicle you have. You will find out what's available from the Crystal from? My spaceship with a voice command system. Then why don't you use your voice to questions? ideas far fanoe understand. The voice of the Lord, they are but only creatures hearing. My sound waves cannot be used with no life. Go to your spaceship. Just a few minutes to talk over your assumption, fanoe and farm and acquired another location which is exerted control. You try to use your voice to match your fanoe! Matthew a spaceship Spacecraft gradually float upwards according to the command of far fanoe. Thrust forward with the speed of light. Spacecraft have also crept up through the floor, nice Arizona check sachon arrived outside the world. Now that it has a miraculous fanoe far with what has been seen outside world called outer space.He looks around and on the window of the spaceship. Just a few seconds that it stands have crept into the morning through the window check box.TOOMMMM....Faucet faucet faucet wake has been far too late; fanoe ngarian drop the ball!The end
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