Negara Brunei Darussalam (Negara Brunei Darussalam means the land of peace)
location:To the northwest of the island of Borneo, East, West and South are designated Sarawak Malaysia is divided into 4 designated. Designated Brunei-Muara designated Belait designated Temburong and county area, Tutong
: 5770 square kilometers area by percentage 70 is tropical rain forest. Rich in oil and natural gas
capital: Bandar Seri Begawan (Bandar Seri Begawan) in the field Brunei-Muara
population: 408 786, people. (year data 2553) consists of the Malay 68.8% Chinese 18.3% tribes 5.0% Indian and 7.9%
climate:The air is generally quite hot and humid with rainfall of very heavy rain last September - January and may to July. The cool air is the March and April. The average temperature 24 - 32 C
languages:The Malay Language (Malay or Bahasa Melayu) is the official language. English and Chinese is the language used to communicate widely
Religion: the national religion. Religious Islamic 67% other religions include Buddhism 13% Christianity 10% and Hindu
currency:Brunei Dollar (Brunei Dollar: BND) dollar Brunei Singapore dollar value and can be used for. The exchange rate estimated. :
buy 24.25 baht / 1 Brunei Dollar (information at January 2556)
24 sales.63 baht / 1 Brunei Dollar (as of January 2556)
regime:Monarchy, the king, โบลเกียห์ Hajji ฮัสซานัล มูอิซซัดดิน. วัดเดา. (His Ahmad Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal. Bolkiah Mu 'izzaddin Waddaulah) was a king of the country
.King Hassan al-bolkiah Hajji. มูอิซซัดดิน. Guess Ahmad His Temple (Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu izzaddin. ' Waddaulah) ascended the throne, on 5 October 2005.He is the head of state 2510, the prime minister, the Minister of defense. Islamic leaders of
Negara Brunei Darussalam since 1993. 2527 - current
import important economic information:Industrial machinery, automobiles, electrical appliances, agricultural products such as rice and fruit
products major export: crude oil, natural gas.
the major export markets: Japan, ASEAN, South Korea, Australia
important import markets:ASEAN EU, USA, Japan.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..