Our society promotes the right of every citizen, to education employment aiming at, the professional and social integration. Of.Each individual. This value implies that persons with disabilities who wish to undertake productive activities should be.Granted the chance of getting a job without this forcing them to give up other rights or benefits that may affect their. Dignity.And decent living conditions. This paper aims to highlight the influence of parents and of the type of school upon the. Students. "Vocational, interests attempting at the same time to identify, the role played by the future prospect and how it may influence.The projected interests of students with mild mental impairment. The group included a number of 640 subjects 336 girls,, And.304 boys students in, the 7th and 8th grade from special, and integrating schools with programs for integrating students. With.Special needs from the, some counties of Romania. Conclusions: in the process of the educational and vocational guidance. Of.Students with special needs it is recommended, that teachers as well as parents should inform, themselves better about. The.Learning abilities the level, of knowledge skills and, interests of each individual student; in this way they will be able. To assist.Them in choosing a profession.
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