Nowadays, it is a disgrace to good times tantayaporn. As the era of the information age with the borderless Internet technology and started to step into a major role. The Internet is used widely across the world. In our daily life, the Internet has become a part of Thai society. On the Internet there is a good side and a bad side, depending on the user's judgement whether to accept anything that the Internet should be considered carefully and thoroughly. I agree with that the world we have the Internet because it makes the world better. Narrow view can communicate quickly. The Internet is an electronic library that can be compared to find the information you need to efficiently. The benefits of the Internet, there are several aspects, including education, commercial, and entertainment.Education as a source of technical information for research, medical, and so on, that we are interested in is a large library of both students and the students can use the Internet to communicate with schools. University to find out information about studying in both audio and text information, various animations make learning materials via Internet.The business side is searching for information to help business decisions can be bought and sold goods through the Internet System. Companies or organizations able to provide customer support and service through the Internet, such as providing advice. Answer the problems to customers receive/send email marketing. Advertising through the Internet network. The entertainment is a recreation, such as finding various publications through the Internet networking site news and entertainment, as well as newspapers and other news with illustrations that can listen to the radio or watching TV, playing games. Watch movies, talk through the privilege vacation that connect through the Internet System. Therefore, The Internet has a role and it is important to people's daily lives, we are extremely. It makes our life style is modern and up to date events. Offers current news and information about things that are happening to the user changes every day. What the Internet is offered in many different formats to meet the needs and interests of groups of users. It is an important source of information to find what they are interested in immediately. Without having to waste time traveling or even acknowledge the news all over the world, it can be read on the Internet from the website of the newspaper. The Internet, it is important to a person's life, we are very current in all areas, regardless of whether it is a person who is in the business industry. Different studies have also benefited from the Internet all the domestic Thai should be encouraged to use the Internet more to them, which is good for developing countries and stepping up based on changes of the world.
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