The water festival is to be held in this year's match Wednesday, April 13 by the Burmese began to prepare for the celebration for the first time since the country has a new Government that comes out of the election. Or stores as well as cars that push through the installation of the speakers. These audio signals indicate that the Festival is scheduled to be held in different weeks and people rush to buy decorations. 4 day new year Festival and another 6 days starting from the date your 12.Yaw to Apr. 21 by Burma's yan Yuan Festival, it is celebrated as long as 4 days, since the day before new year's day, Apr. 16-13 matches April 17, according to the Myanmar lunar calendar
.Area scaffolding for use in outdoor water drenching of the Mayor of Yangon, will be installed in the middle and the largest as well as last year, but local media reported that the. Best folk and music concerts from famous singers are meant to provide entertainment during the Festival as well. The best one will be also shown in Rangoon and the other part is going to make a show that took place in Pune pido.
During the Festival weekend A special train will be launched to facilitate those who need to travel to various areas across the country. But the main splash area will remain around the Glass Pavilion of Italy closed
The Mandalay city. Myanmar's second largest city, will be on stage and scaffolding along the capital city, according to the Royal Canal Mandalay is the cultural center of Myanmar and the business center in the North of the country.
Yuan yan, one of the Festival's annual Festival, 12 Myanmar represents greatness that brings peace and prosperity to the people in both countries. And among the various media.
However, Myanmar's officials to increase security measures, more rigorous defense attacks that may occur during the Festival. After consecutive bombing occurred 3 times. April 15, 2010. As a result, people are enjoying the water splashing is 10 people died in the blast and another wounded 170 people
The code of conduct will stick to a scaffold in Rangoon, including bomb searches and installs CCTV cameras to observe the movements of the people during the Festival.
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