You have tested the country's education system in New Zealand through. In this study the country New Zealand to a 3-month period in a school, College, which is a good school, Newland as the Foundation for education and culture in Thailand-International Youth open English language skills and ideas to life experience with our object.Objective to provide young people who are interested in their own knowledge of English, which is a tool to measure the ability to focus and to use the ideas to life is an experience, initiated by the Foundation. It is the first of its kind in the country, Thailand. The way the Foundation was the recipient of scholarships to attend the 1-series 3 exam and awarded a prize of 20 other school compliments. In addition, the exam candidate can use XI ธิ์ to study abroad. By the international cultural exchange project (ECE) are eligible for the full cost of the country's capital New Zealand 1 3 months without charge, there appears the participants in this project your child 945 people have joined this time by testing to test the tosanan rated 93 points from suchanya scores 100 points, which are good and have passed the test. ในวันอาทิตย์ที่28 มิถนายน 2558 ทางมูลนิธีได้จัดฝึกอบรมการไปอยู่ที่ประเทศนิวซีแลนด์เป็นเวลา 3 เดือน
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