10. If there is a misunderstanding that would be a discrepancy occurs, how? It repairs Improve
and resolve the case, however (How Can we Learn from mistakes? IE, How do we Repair / Update the Casebase?)
11. If the case for the need to expand the scope of the system. May result in delays (The
Base Case May Need to be Expanded As the Domain Model evolves, yet much of the Analysis
Domain May be Postponed.)
12. CBR will be shared on how to represent the Lord knows. And the inference mechanism (Mechanism conclusion)
, how (How Can we integrate with CBR Knowledge representations and inferencing Other
13. How to match the better way to use it? (Are there better Pattern matching
methods than. the Ones we currently use?)
14. has run the data to show more consistent and function. The combination with
the structure of the CBR or not (Are there Alternative Systems retrieval that the CBR Match
program. The CBR package types are distributed (Vendor) in the market following
(CBR. Construction), which is recommended as a tool of special programs (Special Tools -
1. ART * Enterprise and CBR Express (Inference Corporation) desired Www.inference.com
2. KATE (Acknosoft) Www.acknosoft.com desired.
3. ReMind (Cognitive Systems Inc.) www.cognitive.com
4. Code Advisor (Sentia Software Inc.) www.sc.sfu.ca / ~ ISA / Isaresearch.html # Systems
7.2.6. To explain the cognitive and meta-analysis (Explanation and Metaknowledge)
to describe the (Explanation)
, a man who specializes often used to prove authenticity. And how to explain it
in his act (Human experts justify and explain their actions) but always for the
system, the platform is an intelligent system that attempts to mimic the human expert. The system
must be professionals (ES should also do so) to explain. The reasons for the recommendation or
decision under the act even more of the questions (Explanation: an attempt by ES to Clarify
reasoning, Recommendations, Other Actions (asking a question)).
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