Because postal enterprises law There are no updates, clear and standardized regulatory legal basis therefore make it still is unclear and scattered the various relevant laws and did not define the criteria relating to the supervision or the so-called universal service postal service which clearly contains. Postcard mailing service Parcel money orderWith a major service panot hai offered reserved panot is a letter and postcard.According to the Act, as defined in section 5 panot panot category mail provider. (See also t panot Act) Other services section is provided by the private sector. Most will be in the form of a private limited company by law Postal Affairs in pachop. Did not define the criteria governing those services, a private company, but may be subject to the criteria in section 5 of the Act, cannot continue the Postal Affairs panot in best of ... , M. Defined as reserved, Best porn in Dor Require the Board acts, but does not have the power to supervise. Powers as it appears in section 6, for example, give the Board authority to allow diagnosis issued mandatory or make an agreement with the Foreign Affairs Post Office. Can the postal enterprises relating to comments, a good regulatory schedule did not make it because of a Backpack: Bulletin monopoly under Act, section 5 panot given the Department the postal company limited is the sole operator in pachop. It is the only organization providing comprehensive postal services equal to the Postal Affairs said there is no way that liberalisation across all the services do not pose competition to create standards in service.
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