2. ReduceReduce the use of resources, as necessary, or be used productively, such as. -Use garment bags or Wicker baskets to opt out of the plastic bag. -Use lunch boxes or tubes to reduce the foam. -Try not to use paper waste and should be printed only as needed reduces the cutting trees and reduce the. Energy in its production. -Reduce the margin down from the standard, except as the left edge of the document, from 3.175 cm 2.5 cm and the right edge from 3.175 cm is 1.25 cm space paper added up to 27%. -Close the water always when sharing surveillance not open before flushing out of the bathroom. -Pour water to drink, and drink it all times. If the residual water reuse water the plants or gather for cleaning things. -Dining, full But don't waste. Don't throw the rest because it will be food. Power required to produce it.
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