Reuters/AFP-the children's bodies were found seven bodies devoid of spirit in one of the apartments in the State of Bavaria. To the South of Germany While police were on Friday (the 13th St.) Whether they're for women aged 45 years, one of which is leased to the MAS building baking testimony. "Many of the dead baby was found dead officials. The police and the Prosecutor believed that believed the story, 7 dead. " The police stated in the proclamation that is available for a woman aged 45 years old people that were in this apartment, which is located in the city of Manila fle universe. "she needed the least, on the possibility that she would be the mother, the child," a police spokesman said, but did not say whether the women were considered as suspects? Police said they were also notified one of the villagers in the universe in the afternoon Thursday, fle lane (12 pt.) After the funeral, she found a baby body devoid of spirit within such apartment. Later, when the officials traveled to the spot in the accident, they found more bodies.
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