Details of the work practice
the nature of work that you'll have a civil duty to control and be responsible for the design, control building construction and infrastructure, as well as to other related or assigned with
construction.- design and building control
infrastructure coordination details in each step of on-the-job Training Program
1 weeks Monday 5/27/56
- If the municipality of Cooper, in the document,
on Tuesday 5/28/56
- change a tube public measure
line?change cell, Wichian
village on Wednesday 5/29/56
- to make sure that Technical College health thanyaburi
Thursday, November 5/30/56
- install a monochrome หมู้ Public Power washer home
top 2 - move the monochrome light after hospital B. Care of monochrome 2
Friday 5/31/56
- install a monochrome light pork public house
vigorously - and the village K .27
2 weeks Monday 6/3/56
- Repair electric shredding side were mobilised public wash logo
Tuesday 6/4/56
- electrical repair community public shredding his rights
Wednesday 6/5/56 * practice the power of Mu 11
- Repair electric blue
public village people on Thursday 6/6/56
repair electric public tranquility village on Friday 6/7/56
- Change the lamp village sky blue electric installed a monochrome monochrome 1 public
- child development center หมู้ home electrical repair Wang Thong
last week 3 Monday 6/10/56
repair electric sky blue village public-wire speaker cable by tranquility village
Tuesday 6/11/56
- electrical repair village public tranquility and install the speakers broadcast the
1 - repair the fire, pumping the water after hospital B. Care
Wednesday 6/12/56
- there is no place where it is available outside of the municipality of Cooper, C-
Thursday 6/13/56
- Repair the village electricity at Chai
- lamp Village, an isosceles triangle ring top 3
Friday 6/14/56
- install water pump lamp community Soi 39
- and made a sound as the temple community, used in certain placenames in the
week 4 Monday 6/17/56
- electrical repair community public carriage Soi 39
Tuesday 6/18/56
- electrical repair public community Shred the chowrie
Wednesday 6/19/56
- electrical repair Village, public นสิ นีล์
Thursday 6/20/56
- there is no place where it is available outside of the municipality of Cooper, C-
Friday 6/21/56
-painted chairs reception in town ditch,
5 weeks Monday 6/24/56
Wang Thong village public electrical repair on Tuesday 6/25/56
- Install the fan village steam ring top 3
Wednesday 6/26/56
- electrical repair village public ring top 3
Thursday 6/27/56
- electrical repair public indoor village Pho Thong
- Repair electric shredding community public K .27
Friday 6/28/56
- Repair electric public tranquility village
6 weeks Monday 7/1/56
- there is no work outside the office, it is the municipality of Cooper, C-
Tuesday 7/2/56
- electrical repair Village, public นสิ นีล์
- Move power lines up the posts a palm tree lane New Community
- walk up the electric side, Tesco Lotus, 2 boats down the ball
Wednesday 7/3/56
vigorously shredding community public electrical repair-install power monochrome community Shred the chowrie
Thursday 7/4/56
used in certain placenames in slope cut trees at the temple - the cord
- repair, water pumping power
Friday 7/5/56
- Repair แท๊ง artesian water side Wat
line?Week 7
Monday 7/8/56
- electrical repair public indoor village pho thong
- Repair electric shredding community public K .27
Tuesday 7/9/56
- electrical repair Village, public นสิ นีล์
- Move power lines, new pillar
cord side LotusWednesday 7/10/56
vigorously shredding community public electrical repair-install power monochrome community Shred the chowrie
Thursday 7/11/56
actively repair electric public community - Repair electric village public sky blue 25
Friday 7/12/56
- Repair the tube from an artesian well beside the temple?
8 weeks Monday 7/15/56
- electric wiring community shred cool
-install the cord to be destroyed my bike beside Tesco Klong 2
Tuesday 7/16/56
- cut the trees, and a river
ธัญวิ school court, Wednesday 7/17/56
- electrical repair slope measure used in certain placenames in public
used in certain placenames in slope cut trees measured on Thursday 7/18/56
- electrical repair community public lane K .27
- electrical repair community public shredding his rights
Friday 7/19/56
- Repair electric village public sky blue
- electrical repair public tranquility village
9 weeks Monday 7/22/56
sky blue village public electrical repair on Tuesday 7/23/56
- Install the monochrome village tranquility
Wednesday 7/24/56
- electrical repair community public Soi 39
Thursday 7/25/56
- Install the monochrome Village, นสิ นีล์
Friday 7/26/56
change AOTO CELL Soi jasmines Hotel
10 weeks Monday 7/29/56
- Repair electric blue the inhabitants of the village public
Tuesday 7/30/56
- electrical repair Village, public นสิ นีล์
Wednesday 7/31/56
- The village is not tranquility
Thursday 8/1/56
- electrical repair หมู้ public house, นสิ นีล์
Friday 8/2/56
- electrical repair community public lane K .27
11 weeks Monday 8/5/56
jasmines Hotel Soi public electrical repair- electrical repair community public shredding his rights
Tuesday 8/6/56
- Leave stop to leave 1 days
Wednesday 8/7/56
cool community public electric repair - Repair electric community public K .27
Thursday 8/8/56
cut trees number of trees 2- electrical repair public community Shred the chowrie
Friday 8/9/56
hair hard village public electric repair - Repair electric community public 39 Soi 12
last week Monday 8/12/56
National Mother's Day Tuesday 8/13/56
- Repair electric village public sky blue
Wednesday 8/14/56
- electrical repair public community Shred the chowrie
Thursday 8/15/56
- Repair electric public ramp used in certain placenames in Wat
Friday 8/16/56
- electrical repair Village, public นสิ นีล์
13 weeks Monday 8/19/56
- electrical repair village public sky blue
Tuesday 8/20/56
leave stop to leave on Wednesday 8/21/56
leave stop to leave Thursday 8/22/56
- electrical repair village indoor public Cash Management Customer Services gold
Friday 8/23/56
- electrical repair public indoor village pho thong and install a monochrome monochrome light 1 and 2 remove the macro monochrome
- Repair electric Village, public นสิ นีล์
14 weeks Monday 8/26/56
- Repair electric village public sky blue city
- electrical repair village public sky blue 25
Tuesday 8/27/56
- cut a tree at the village
Chai-cut a tree Village, นสิ นีล์
39 Soi cut trees community Wednesday 8/28/56
- Install the Public Power monochrome พสพ measure the results to prosper
Thursday 8/29/56
- electrical repair Village, public นสิ นีล์
- electrical repair public พสพ measure the results to prosper
Friday 8/30/56
- there is no work outside the store where it monochrome sensitivity use
last week.
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