IntroductionIsaan cultural traditionTradition twelve canals fourteen heater"Twelve canals fourteen heater The tradition of the Great Northeast, ISAN is a sector that is "assimilated cultural beliefs practices at each season. Last month, there is a wide range of activities based on the belief of the operating ceremony. People will recognize a good heater is twelve fourteen Canal. "Twelve canals fourteen heater" is a valuable heritage of Sage wisdom to the Northeast that everyone should learn and understand the basic principles of the original belief in people more. It allows people with peace day and always had to adhere to the Constitution, life-like people that as long as until the present (some), there are several old Canal leaves the old heater. Foreign culture without considering the social chaos that section. Several problems raised by this canal, fourteen twelve heater consists of the heater and heater 12-14-4 with a canal. Canal: heater heater patio factor into Karma juicy juicy juicy roast rice e heater วสห heater including tabun phe or bun bun bun bang fai Festival is heater heater heater heater sam Hasan rice jewelry juicy juicy lent ground heater heater rice bun bun bun Barracuda candle heater heater kathina merit twelve traditions that menstruation.Solder composition between people the concept of Buddha Hall and the ghost before Buddhism into Thailand, particularly the northeastern territory, according to the tradition has long been a month of various Canal heater. Past highlights of the ceremony because they believe Hall more than ghosts and demons spirit beings of various sacred arak pret. Invisible ghosts will influence the life from the grave. Therefore, most of the ceremony, so they live with there parents shift apparitions by the cham is leading the ceremony. When religion enters the land of Northeast Thailand Beliefs and rituals have changed, some have taken religious ritual into composition of solder. There is a priest, the owner added elements of involvement in some of the ceremonies, but most also have a village leader and Sage will be located towards the landscape and spirit of a Brahmin rather than "Canal fourteen", there are many types, but they can be categorized Category: canals, teaching parents. Teach the subject category, Canal. The Canal is taught the general public, and the last major Canal to teach men. All ages as something that everyone should have the discipline to keep it indicates that people need social compliance with peace day provides. The importance of twelve Canal fourteen heater so that the various practices that are known to make people in the past, there are enough lifestyle and cultural traditions as there are people, the.
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