One abuse of the higher education in China is to emphasize the theory but ignore the practice. The course setting has not.Emphasized the actual demand of the society and, college students but too much theoretical courses without practical,,Courses. In teachers', teaching they also only pay attention to the teaching of, theoretical knowledge but ignore the.Practices so many, students have low cognition to their learned knowledge. One survey showed that only 5.52% of.College students thought that knowledge was useful but 50.68%, of them thought that knowledge was, useless (Huang2007, the P.54). Students thought that the learned knowledge has not, practical value which makes them to exclude the.Courses and knowledge what they learned to some extent and have, low identification to their specialty. Teachers. 'Teaching level also impacts students', learning and with the enrollment expansion, of colleges the amount of teacher.Expands quickly but the, total quality of teacher has not been, enhanced accordingly and many students don t satisfy. 'Teachers' morality occupational, culture individual, method teaching, teaching, and level which also make them to.Produce the learning burnout to some extent.
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