Agenda item 1 inform President. -Chairman Let the meeting informed of the progress of work by consensus in the Conference. Annual 2558 4. 1) clear drain work performed 100%. 2. change the lamp) from the original system is a LED has started to change gradually. Spot light (front light, fence, front headlights, headlight, toilet rooms, Manager. Rear lights, rear bathroom, unfortunately point area) 3. make a higher fence) at the sides and at the rear is a risk point village. The Committee asks A fenced managers offer to supply 3 with costs at the meeting for consideration.4. planting trees instead of beginning a new story) satban rear rim village ruana. The Chairman, offer Manager The next tree. Agenda item 2.2559 nganmokrakhom results – March -Resolution of the meeting at the Conference agreed, according to the report, attachment and cutting trees that offer to align the walls. The village to protect a climb of third parties. Agenda item 3 of the payments balance. the global value since 01/01/03 to 31/59/59. -Resolution of the meeting at the Conference agreed, according to the report, attachment.-Manager Global charges concluded. The amount of money 1,508,875 is 95 baht (one million five hundred thousand to eight thousand eight hundred seventy-five) members who have not yet paid. 11 after a money 210,360 baht (one thousand two hundred sixty-three hundred thousand baht) For members that are still outstanding will bring up a list of the boards to alert again in November, 2559 unpaid members section two in the years to come if they are not paid 2558 within July 15, the Committee will make to 2559 Office to suspend the loan will be paid until the pending global. Agenda item 4 a matter of expense statement, January – March, 2559. -Resolution of the meeting at the Conference agreed, according to the report, attachment. Agenda item 5 to balance as at April 1 story-2558. -Resolution of the meeting at the Conference agreed, according to the report, attachment. Agenda item 6 subject planted new trees instead of sattopraron. -Resolution of the meeting, the meeting passed a unanimous, inotnin trees and Manager to coordinate the tree store notification. Explore, who will plant a fence along the inside of the quote Board again. Agenda item 7 other matters (if any).E-cube has concluded, the overall financial situation of the current village. At the meeting, which has been known as attachment.
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