Kevin is an Internet entrepreneur is the founder and ceo of the Digg website. The popular social news website. He started to write from the age of 8 years old software and when I grow up, he has worked at the Ministry of energy has reached the point IT that he realized the aim of myself to go to work in silicon valley by Han and mokla kwa guts. He decided to leave the University of middle to follow a dream of becoming a programmer full. They are committed and have started an innovative website. A new technology associated with silicon valley He met steve wozniak co-founder Apple company from Apple as a result, the company wants to do the work of Kevin nakoet himself. " He made his own news Web site and a Web site: digg. From 1200 and investments with a great Web site. Now he makes a successful Web site. There are currently more than 200,000 visitors per month, making the website digg and Kevin naram became important social news website, and there is a high value to 2,800,000 million.
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