Orbital characteristicsEpoch J2000The term remote points.Sun: 4,536,874,325 Km(30.32713169 astronomical unit).The near point distance.Sun: 4,459,631,496 Km(29.81079527 astronomical unit).Semi-major axis: 4,498,252,900 km(30.06896348 astronomical unit).CircumferenceOrbit: 28.263 Pour the RA m(188.925 astronomical unit).Eccentricity: 0.00858587Orbital period: 60,224.9036 days.(Julian year 164.89)Lessons are optional: 367.49 ornamented SIM date.Average speedIn orbit: 5.432 km/sec.Speed Max.In orbit: 5.479 km/sec.The rate of minimum speed.In orbit: 5.385 km/sec.Inclination: 1.76917°(6.43° to Sun sunsut)The longitudeVertex point: 131.72169°Point angleNear the Sun: 273.24966°Number of moons: 8 or 14.Physical characteristics.DiameterSunsut, horizontal: 49,528 Km(3.883 × world).DiameterHorizontal polarity: 48,681 Km(3.829 × world).Key capabilities: 0.0171Surface area: 7.619 × 109 Km ²(14.937 × world).Volume: 6.2526 × 1013 Km ³(57.723 x)Mass: 1.0243 × 1026 kg.(17.147 × world).Average density: 1.638 g/cm ³GravityThe sunsut: 11.00 m/s ²(1.122 g)Speed is salvation: 23.5 km/sec.RotationPeriod: 0.67125000 days.(16 h 6 min 36.00000 sec)Rotation speedPeriod: 2.68 km/sec.(9,660 km/h).Tilt of axis: 28.32°Right AscensionOf the North Pole: 299.33°(19 h 57 min 20 sec)DeclinationOf the North Pole: 42.95°Aspect ratio: 0.41Surface temperature: The average temperature at the cloud amount. Minimum maximum average50 K 53 K The characteristics of the atmosphere.Atmospheric pressure.Surface: 100-300 Kilo PascalComposition: 84% > hydrogen> 12% helium.2% methane.0.01% ammoniaThane 0.00025% e0.00001% acetylene.
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