Tuesday, May 29, 2555 Marco Polo: Traveller great forever Marco Polo: Traveller greatest ever recorded journey of Marco Polo (Marco Polo), which told the story. dramatic and exciting territory. Westerners who have never been to one before. An inspiration to travelers of all ages over a period spanning more than 700 years old interested in traveling to the territory horizons to discover something new Christopher Columbus, who discovered America in. The 15th century was inspired by reading The Travels of Marco Polo, who deserves praise for that. A traveler of all time Marco Polo Marco Polo was born in 1254 at the Venetian Father Nicolo Polo (Nicolo Polo) traders who like to trade in foreign lands when Marco Polo was born. Buffett's father and uncle Thomas Polo (Maffeo Polo) set out to trade in the Crimean Peninsula Hotel. In southern Ukraine today. In those days, in the zone of influence of the Mongol power radiated from Central Asia to Europe in 1260 was a war between the descendants of Genghis Khan, the two men made the father and uncle of Marco Polo must dodge the war goes on. City Bukhara (Bukhara) in Uzbekistan left the place today at the father and uncle of Marco. Polo met with the ambassadors of Kublai Khan (Kublai Khan) (AD 1214-1294), which has persuaded both parties. Getting to the presence of Kublai Khan. Those who wish to know the culture of Hispanics and Latinos Nicolo Polo and his brother was accepted and traveled to Beijing. (Or at the time called Campo said he "Cambaluc") both met Kublai Khan in 1266 AD the Mongols ruled China and established the Yuan dynasty rule in AD 1264 simulated. The Khan is the grandson of Genghis Khan. In those days of the Mongol empire spread out very vast. Kublai Khan was the desire to know the history and beliefs of many Europeans. He has asked Nicolo Polo and his brother returned to their homeland. The presence of the Pope. And requested a sage 100 people and holy oil from the Cathedral The Holy Sepulchre in the city of Jerusalem back to him Nicolo Polo and his brother returned to his hometown of Venice in the year. Fri. . 1269 Marco Polo in the last 15 years have had a chance to meet his father for the first time. Mothers of Marco Polo died before his father Marco. Polo will arrive home a little In 1271 Marco Polo, which at that time was 17 years old and his father were asked to track back to China. Along with the royal letter from the Pope Greg Kot region at 10 (Pope Gregory X) holy oil, along with the second phase (which had gone after leaving to have a little) family polo all three. People traveling from the city of Jerusalem in the year 1272 and takes nearly three years to travel to the city of Chengdu Shang (Shang-tu) in the presence of Kublai Khan's summer trip. overland to China this time. Polo family has traveled through many lands, including Anatolia (Asia Minor), Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asia. Before taking over the plateau Mir (Pamir), which is 5000 meters above the roof as Marco Polo recounted in his memoirs that. While traveling on the plateau took Mir. The fires for cooking are very hard. Because rarely caught fire Birds fly in the sky, it is rare to see. After climbing over the plateau can take Meir successfully. Polo family had traveled across the Gobi Desert. This is the story of the horrors of ghosts. And the rigors of the weather. After you cross the Gobi desert. Key aspects of nature finally succeeded. Polo family was able to travel to the region, China (north), which Marco Polo called Cathay (Cathay), a total distance of over 5,600 miles across the continent in the summer of the year 1275 Polo family traveling to the city of Yichang. Toulon (about 180 miles from Beijing), the summer residence of Kublai Khan. And met Kublai Khan there. Kublai Khan sent a mercy Marco Polo, which at that time was 21 years old, specially made for Marco Polo had the opportunity to work for Kublai Khan. During the Mongol ruled China. Mongol trust foreigners than Chinese people. Later on in China for up to 17 years, the family began polo anxiety about their future. If anything happens to Kublai Khan. Which had more gray hairs (age 80) Polo family was told to Kublai Khan. Request permission to travel back to their hometowns. At first, Kublai Khan in the year 1292, however, did not allow the wife of tycoon R. (Arghun) Khan of Persia. The Mongol princess died Gunnar R. Khan has sent a diplomatic request to Kublai Khan's Mongol princess sent his wife to a new body. Polo family has led volunteer princess Coca Shin (Kokachin) the age of 17 years dedicated to the Khan of Persia. Kublai Khan was so unwilling to allow families to bring polo princess Coca accustomed to the Khan of Persia trip, this time take the boat. By using larger ships, 14 boats carrying 600 passengers traveled through the islands of Japan. Champa Situated in southern Vietnam today Sumatra, Nicobar island in the Indian Ocean to the Persian Gulf. The trip takes up to two years, more than 600 people remaining passengers to their destination only 18 people survived the disease, storm and plunder of pirates. Coca entourage and the princess's journey to Persia in the year 1294 when traveling to realize that later. Gunnar R. Khan had already died. Coca Sek's princess was married to the son of tycoon R. Khan instead. It is unfortunate that Princess Coca Chin has lived in Persia for only two years, and he died. During the polo family residing at the news of the death of the Persian Kublai Khan. After Kublai Khan died in the year 1294 the Mongol empire began to decline sharply in the year 1368 AD the Mongols were expelled from China Polo family had traveled overland from Persia to.
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