Born on December 25 1642 in Lincoln, England. (Lincohnshire) England (England)
, died on 20 March 1727 London (London), England (England)
- the law of gravity
- the rules regarding the movement of the object
- calculus, set theory. (Calculus)
- Artificial light refracting telescope kind
- found that the properties of light. White light is made up of rainbow light
of the foregoing, and all scientists will say next. Newton was a scientist who has been hailed as geniuses ever. Even scientists who were able to Ein Stein was regarded as a wise Newton. That shows that he is an intelligent person in the world. He is regarded as such. Since he was discovered and a great many rules and regulations. The discovery has been hailed acquaintances and make him the most, it is the law of gravity. Which he discovered at the age of just 20 years, only
in 1664 caused the Black Plague in London. Which has spread to the University of Cambridge. Thus, the university had to stop teaching for a period of eight months to prevent the disease. Newton then returned home. It is considered a good prospect of Newton in research and science experiments. The Newton to discover the theory of the three major theories of Newton, like astronomy. He intends to emulate Galileo invented the telescope by itself. To be clear, the stars shine. As they wish, He has made important one. Theories about the light, which is his first theorem
while Newton was rain lenses. He noted that a rainbow appears in the lens. He tried to make light rain rainbow lens to lens. However, it can not be done He eventually switched to the concave mirror or mirrors light. The object lens The convex lens still use the old Newtonian telescope prototype of this type of reflector telescopes today. Newton has put his telescope to provide the scientific societies. The association also undertakes the work of Newton this gift. And from this work when Cambridge University opened again Newton was invited to become a mathematics teacher. University of Cambridge in the year 1667 and again four years later, Newton was appointed as Professor of Mathematics. And years later, Newton was invited to become a member of the Association of Science-
inventing the telescope was also led him to discover the treasure of light. Newton started experimenting with lighting by closing rooms until dark to light, salvation came through the small opening. Then the glass triangle Also known as PRISM (Prism) exposure to light through a glass prism. The results show that there is light at through the prism of seven colors: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, respectively Newton repeated the experiment several times. The result was the same every time. Later, Newton did more experiments. By using a prism up one of the two light through the prism of the results showed that white light is the same as that passed in the first place. As a result, Newton can be concluded that solar light consists of seven colors: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red light, respectively, and when the seven together, it becomes white light. Theorem later made him the most famous is the discovery of the law of gravity (Law of Gravitation) Newton had discovered the theory by chance. The incident occurred one day while Newton was sitting watching the moon. I wonder why the moon must revolve around the Earth. While he was sitting on a moon getaway heard the apple falls. When Newton saw it, the suspicion that, much more. Why objects fall to the ground, you must always Why do not float in the air. Newton, who is thought to have strength. Something that makes Apple the ground. This suspicion from himself Newton began experimenting with the force of gravity. The experiment
of Newton is bringing stones to tie. Then swing around Newton concluded from this experiment that the rope is the key to making a rock floating around, so why not slip away planet Earth rotates around the sun. And the moon rotates around the Earth to the sun due to gravity on Earth. And the planet And gravity that affects the Moon. Including why the apple on the ground was caused by the earth's gravity well. The law of gravity Newton also set rules on the movement of the object (Law of Motion) all three questions
: 1. subject to the condition fixed or mobile regularly. If there is no external force acting on the object
2. When a non-zero net force acting on an object. Will make the object acceleration in the same direction of the force and magnitude of the acceleration is proportional to the size of the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object
3. The action and reaction are always equal means when a force acting on an object that does. It is a strong reaction in the opposite direction as
Newton has given birth to mathematics gateway films together, including Calculus (Calculus) but now known as calculus integrals in (Integral Calculus) The New. Newton has found another method of calculation. Used for calculating the set on the plane called the hyperbola (Hyperbola) The calculation found. The difference between the distance between any two points in the set to a fixed point is always the same. In addition, Newton has discovered the theory binomial (Binomial Theorem) and how to distribute the series (Method of Expression), which is part of algebra
works of Newton is not only about science. In the year 1695, England was experiencing an epidemic of counterfeit money. The government has tasked with Newton in the problem of counterfeit money. At that time, he held the position of representatives of the University of Cambridge in parliament. And was appointed to the position of Acting Director of the Mint. Newton was made to resolve this issue. Newton solution guidelines.
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