CO2 (carbon dioxide English:) is a gas in the atmosphere, which consists of a carbon Atom 1 and 2 oxygen atoms per molecule. Carbon dioxide is one of the chemical compounds that are the most well known and often referred to by the chemical formula CO2 when it is in a solid state, often referred to as dry ice (dry ice)
.There is plenty of gas in the air from a secondary 4 nitrogen, oxygen and argon
.Carbon dioxide occurs in several styles, such as volcanic bombs. Respiration of organisms or organic compounds of combustion This gas is an important raw material in the process of photosynthesis of plants. From this process of photosynthesis plants would leave out oxygen gas to the atmosphere. Make an animal using oxygen to breathe. The use of carbon dioxide as greenhouse gas reduction plants to our customers. Physical and chemical properties [solved]
Carbon dioxide is a gas that has no color, which, if breathed, remove this gas into large quantities will feel the sour mouth. The irritation of nose and throat due to the potential of this gas dissolved in the mucus in the body.
Carbon dioxide is 1.98 kg/m3 density, which is roughly 1.5 times the air molecules consisting of a double bond bond 2 (O = C = O) non-combustible and does not continue the reaction
.Carbon dioxide becomes a solid white color temperature-78° c. Without passing through the liquid. If you want to make a liquid carbon dioxide. Must use a pressure of not less than 5.1 atmosphere
?Carbon dioxide is soluble 1 percentage of solution, it will become the new road car, the kasueng acid change is car paved road and carbonate later
testing carbon dioxide CO2 emissions. Can be done 2 ways: 1
. Bring the incense stick is in vitro with carbon dioxide. The power outage, because carbon dioxide does not assist in the combustible substance. It is used as a gas fire.
2. Through carbon dioxide into transparent lime water (calcium hydroxide) The lime juice will clear a cloudy because calcium prices Hibernate refused occurred.
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