In the year 1950 (2493) Mickey Mouse began to have their own tv in the name of "The Mickey Mouse Club," where Mickey Mouse is just like a cartoon star holding the sky the other day unto a cartoon world, tahaeng of the coastal States, as well as Doraemon is a virtual garden, a Japan side of Chengdu nathang. Not yet a bit Mickey Mouse to hide a secret about herself. But we will come to unmask everyone learn together today!5. know about Mickey Mouse character as possible, this cute story you don't know anymore!1. Mickey Mouse "only 4 inches Ever noticed the same? if the hands of Mickey Mouse with just 4 inches only by Disney, the reason that it is a matter of art, because it has a 5 inch for rats to seem too much like a banana comb with it that way yet. In addition, there are also financial reasons to come associated with the drawing that is '' 1 '' will do more to painting, which is equal to the length of 45000 of short movies about 6 and a half minutes, and if you delete it, it will save money, 1 inch for use in the Studio to get past me kho?
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