For the fishermen or villagers living along the coast, the sea. Fishing boats out fishing are important to the lives of the fishermen. Panamanians love u la to be boisterous or in the District of Krabi Province and nearby provinces have traditions about the ship, called the float the boat or boat floating along on the day and up 13 – month and 11 held a ceremony for people in the village. The community.Panamanians love u la to be boisterous live in Krabi Province and neighboring provinces, has forwarded the boat float into the descendants many evil people. The date is the date that boat floating tradition, relatives and community members at a separate move to making a living along the sea and Islands in the Andaman Sea are taking a journey back to the native homeland of the Dutch u-loving donkey and autowalks. Met together and assemble the lift, this traditions Ku together.Boat floating tradition, it is traditionally associated with the faith and way of life of the fishermen love u la to be boisterous, which believed that the arrangement is a boat floating tradition ceremony. Sent back home and the city fathers spirit is sending the animals to the sins. The ship is required to act as an agent of the vehicle used by the spirits, and animals to another one of the planes, some believe, is to predict the weather.
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