As we all know, in 2002.2558 terms of trade liberalization in ASEAN countries and ASEAN Economic Community (ASEAN Economic Community - AEC) to be effective. Thailand is the one country in Asian countries.Which when the free trade, skilled workers in different countries. In the ASEAN. Will be moving freely. Investment across the country will make possible easy and that meansWhen competition is higher. The potential of people in the organization's hot as it needs to be more as well
.For the enterprise is a multinational enterprise. It doesn't matter much. About the potential of people in organizations. But for the organization as a Thai. The development of employees.And the development that hot to take very much. Especially in the development of positive behavior took a lot more! What are the skills and knowledge to develop some
.The first thing is the language skills, especially English. Of course, in addition to match the development of potential rival. If we look at the other corner foreign investments may mean.Therefore, we prepared in the language barrier so that we can communicate with him smoothly
.Besides the language barrier, the process work. Something hot to be improved. Although are not main HR to care. Because each party will be responsible for process improvement in their work, but HR.Because remember that after the update process. Eye position and properties of the people will change, which HR must take care to people who are in positions with potential suited to their new position
.Culture is another factor that we must price regardless of when the foreign in Thai. He will take a certain culture in field. So, the staff are to learn about different cultures.Religion, or even the idea and different beliefs, even with that said, to the city ตาหลิ่ว, do as the Romans do.
.The culture of the enterprise. Is a story that may need to be modified to suit the HR must play a role very much about it. Starting from the search for verifying that the present corporate culture?Then the culture change. For example, such compensation or เลื่อนตา position follow seniority. Even people like that.One more thing HR to prepare, is about keeping people to stay with the organization for a long time. When the multinational enterprise into Thailand. The struggle for the local people with high ability will be more and more.The story of a chance to go abroad to become attractive spot. If our enterprise cannot fight in these matters, what HR must apply is finding the highlights of the organization, whether it is in terms of culture.Or some welfare for use in pulling the employees and organizations. If a point is not really HR must cooperate with senior management to identify it. Any employee who the organization shall keep it for good.For HR, you need to study more on a segment of their to look wider. Because in the future, in addition to the many people in the organization. The organization may have to accept foreigners to participate, so HR.The foreign employees may have to add more people also need to understand the HR comparison in, for example, in-depth study. If the foreigner said most of his is an exam GCE O Level Singapore HR.GCE O Level of Singapore is equivalent to high school 6 of Thailand
.Source: column HR Talks monthly newsletter Productivity Corner April 2555 National Productivity Institute
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