My vocation story essay Teacher.The teacher is your dream career.When we have a dream, I believe that we are moving through life's destination, it must do everything manual determination. The only attempt to make us toward the finish line gracefully, so I will need like a teacher I've had to tell one day I will have a new national. Cause I wanted to become a teacher. In order to prove their ability, because everyone is a teacher. So, as a teacher, but outside But people who are teachers will be required to wear a spirit as teachers, breathing range. Unity is the teacher. This requires skill in coordinating all the aspects linked to a teacher to perfect sacrifice include: Patience. Perseverance, Payam Problem solving is a brave expression. Sincerity is the key element of melt casting themselves to be a good teacher. The teacher is considered to be the professional challenge of human capabilities.Careers teacher for me at this time, so is the occupation that is rich with honor is a spectacular career as a profession sensitive deserved praised the General as it is the person's occupation, waiting a little seed because, in assessing the national. Life is happiness in all aspects. Several people said that a teacher is hired, I wanted to try a tattoo ship ships have the opportunity to submit the future of the nation, he has a dream to unfavorable landing development. That day, he will be happy, not the least of which ordinary people like me at this time will have the opportunity to make enormous benefits provided to the mother earth that I have bad breath occurs, blood, flesh, and make me happy with dreams during this period. As long as the dream draw hope. Still can't find a space, it appears true. I will not fall are forbidden. Because here it is a part of me that would love their. ทุกวันนี้ฉันเติมภูมิต้านทานให้แก่หัวใจให้ตัวเองด้วยภาพฝันอันสวยงามที่อยู่เบื้องหน้า “เหนื่อยได้ ท้อได้ แต่ห้ามถอยเด็ดขาด” เพราะถ้าฉันก้าวถอยหลังเพียงก้าวเดียว ฝันก็จะห่างออกไปอีก และฉันก็จะไม่มีโอกาสได้เป็น ครูผู้ยกระดับวิญญาณมนุษย์ ให้สูงสุดกว่าสัตว์เดรัจฉาน หมือนดังที่ตั้งใจไว้
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