Name: par-Tay Parthenon CathedralLocation: GreeceToday: can be visited.A par-Tay Cathedral Cathedral, which is famous for the beauty and every perfect proportions. 100 ft long width 230 feet high and 65 feet wide, is a famous foe. art on frog badoi. Nui ikti (Ictinus) and lali Hotel Krakow (Callicrates) which carried out construction under the control of the famous sculptor assumption (Phidias), Piran-di. Scrap remains to see is the structure that braced it with a light-colored, pink, rock and some notes. Interior ever. Tracy p adidas how sculpture large farming is located in this temple is that the spirits pour p. adidas how na used as church people came. The new body, othodok, Christ is the Catholic Church until the Turks in the city inhabitants were converted into a mosque and eventually was used as a gunpowder store in the Venetian war against the Turks (the Venetian), was partially damaged and blow Notre par w anchovies in a hurry hard mattress, Tay. When the war of independence Greek salvage request from the Turks.
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