Place 10 3 3 / 1 among the 6 District u-thong, u thong province
near the bazaar sanitary Away from the District Office of uthong, about one km
thanon Malai maen 200 meters away from the meat at about 8 rai. 2.
BC alike square.๒๕๐๔, formerly thus psychology
established on 14 June ๒๕๐๔
in 1976. She enough coins as Dr acquisition on the
. You are infinite, as Dr a licensee
BC๒๕๓๑ you joyful include clouds, acquisition and transfer of business
Miss Korn include cloud, as recipients permits
and changed the name of the school. "Joyful school science"
on 1 May 2008. ๒๕๓๑
philosophy, school health, morals
.Morals, อฺ atta hungry อฺ. Further no rice bowl (ตนเป็นที่พึ่งแห่งตน)
identity, academic excellence
identity health. There are ideas. Environment
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..