Factors encouraging the start smoking
- the youth try smoking, 38.4 percent started smoking. Because I want to try The nature of teenagers Who want to be challenging, exciting and enjoyable even know. It is not healthy for you
- as a friend. Youth who smoke, 35.9 percent started smoking. Invite a friend Some people have the attitude that If smokers are not friends. I will not agree to a Group And many do not dare quit smoking. Because I will parody And not to the group
- as did the people in the house. When someone in the house Whether parents or relatives. This is the smoking ban Many people will smoke I saw the smoke in the house, but I think that is common. Many teens According to a relative, Try and think of smoking as it expresses a mature masculinity research has found. If parents smoke They tend to make. Smoking up to three times
- yes. Some smokers Because of the work that needs to socialize. Party Or reception, which is pumped in society that encourage some smokers to smoke only in society. This is the belief that If it is not included in the group did not. Business and unsuccessful
- stress, nicotine in cigarette smoke when inhaled into the body. Enters the brain within 8-10 seconds, which makes artery constriction corset effect. High blood pressure Breathing faster And central brain stimulation Relax in early stage Many people smoke The reason for the stress But as the amount of nicotine in the brain decreases. The pump will cause frustration. And stress later. And here is why The smoke is always required. To maintain nicotine levels in the body
- a stream of advertising. Various advertising media both directly and indirectly, all influence the way of life dramatically. Can cause motivation To trust and admire. The advertised product Although Thailand has a law banning tobacco advertising. However, some countries do not have laws that ban. It offers all ad formats. Which was released to the world According to today's youth can communicate boundless recognition of foreign cigarette advertising. Both books Or various types of publications, radio and television, in addition to strategic placement of the cigarette industry. To avoid the law, it is a registered trade mark. By using the branded goods such as cigarettes, clothing, leather products and furniture of various travel companies. And support The target groups like the music. The Racing for teens The pattern shows a group of women. And distribution of the book or books Branded cigarettes to kids in other countries are also the film placement. The actor, who is a favorite smoke. And the symbol of the cigarette itself. All forms of advertising Swank will focus on modern and provocative, which contribute greatly to encourage smoking. Youth are more likely to smoke hand with advertising. Frequently
, the average age of people who smoke Thailand is 18 years.
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