I did not have to go to a holiday in the provinces, I have to go to the homeland of his mother is a Buriram Province only, but it makes me very happy. I have found my relatives used to live in, since the childrenFor example, I went to work and watched the game with my cousin in Surin province, this work I have money to spend and to save money as well as group activities. Later, I play sports, such as football, badminton, cycling severaland I have to help my parents to work at home, many things such as rice cooker dishwasher, as the weekends in the past, we have a flood, or a called floodalthough the damage to rice drive my bike across the province, it will be tiring, but it was to me, I have been helping families even though it is a little thing.In the past, stop the Buddhist Lent Day activities and I have a friend, to help you make the temple activities, such as peeled roasted coconut roasted peanuts, sesame seeds and a short holiday.
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